Instructions on how to download and install the basics of cb-shop
Last updated
Instructions on how to download and install the basics of cb-shop
Last updated
First you download the script from your keymaster, install it in your server's resources folder and add it to your server.cfg
ensure cb-shop
Then at the top of your config.lua file you specify your server's infrastructure 'qb' or 'esx', whether you want to use a target or not, which target you want to use if you do, and the inventory image countdown for your server.
After doing these, if you examine the config file, you will understand that everything is very simple, for example, if you want to create a sales market, it will be enough to specify the coordinates of the market and what can be sold in it, you can do the same in the buy shop. if you have any difficulties in any part, please do not hesitate to ask us for help by joining our discord server!