Tunerchip V2
Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Tuner Chip V2
Last updated
Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Tuner Chip V2
Last updated
The product is completely standalone, you only need to have a "tunerchip" item on your server.
After adding it, don't forget to add the gymprotein.png image inside the cb-skills folder to the qb-inventory>html>images folder.
If you are using ESX, you need to do these operations for ESX. So, you need to add this item to your SQL database and upload the photo to your inventory.
If you want to change the item photo, just change its size to 96x96 and name it "tunerchip.png".
You can also use the photo I gave you in the [INSTALLATION] folder
For the product to work, your server must have mythic_progbar, Please download from here: