Emote Menu V2

Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Steal and Sell

Installation #

First download the script file and drag it to the resources folder. Slide [stream] into your cb-emotemenu file Start your script

MenuLanguage = 'en', -- Change the language of the menu here!.
DebugDisplay = false, -- Set this to true to enable some extra prints.
EnableCancelKeybind = true,  -- Set this to false if you have something else on X, and then just use /e c to cancel emotes.
CancelEmoteKey = 'X', -- Key
OpenMenuKey = "U", -- Key
OpenFavoritesKey = "O", -- Key
HandsupEnabled = false, -- You can enable / disable the handsup here / change the keybind. It is currently set to Y however disabled by default as to not conflict with qb-core servers.
HandsupKeybind = 'Y', -- Key
HandsupKeybindEnabled = false, -- Set this to false if you would for whatever reason prefer people use the chat commannd /handsup.
HandsupKeybindInCarEnabled = false,
PersistentEmoteAfterHandsup = true, -- If true, you will play the emote you were playing previously after you cancel your handsup animation. This is enabled by default with the 'true' value.
CancelPreviousEmote = false,  
PointingEnabled = false, -- You can enable / disable the finger pointing here / change the keybind. It is currently set to B however disabled by default as to not conflict with qb-core servers.
PointingKeybindEnabled = true,
PointingKeybind = 'B', -- Key
PointingKeybindInCarEnabled = false,
PersistentEmoteAfterPointing = true, -- If true, you will play the emote you were playing previously after you stop pointing.
CrouchEnabled = true, -- Enabled by default as this is an integral part of RPEmotes
CrouchKeybindEnabled = true, -- If true, crouching will use keybinds.
CrouchKeybind = 'lcontrol', -- Key
CrouchOverride = false, -- If true, you won't enter stealth mode even if the crouch key and the "duck" key are the same.
-- If crawling should be enabled.
CrawlEnabled = true,
CrawlEnabled = true, -- If crawling should be enabled.
CrawlKeybindEnabled = true, -- If true, crawling will use keybinds.
CrawlKeybind = 'rcontrol', -- Key

Other Configuration

DisarmPlayer = false, -- Set this to true if you want to disarm the player when they play an emote..
AllowPunching = false, -- Set this to true if you want to allow people punching while emotes are playing
AllowedInCars = true, -- Set this false if you want to disable emotes in cars.
AllowInWater = false, -- If turned off, opening the menu and playing an emote will not be possible while swimming.
RagdollEnabled = false,     -- You can enable or disable the Ragdoll keybinding here.
RagdollKeybind = 'Z', -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/.
RagdollAsToggle = true,  -- You can enable or disable Ragdoll as Toggle here. Only works if RagdollEnabled is set to true.

Emote Visible Settings

ExpressionsEnabled = true, 
PersistentExpression = true, 
WalkingStylesEnabled = true,
PersistentWalk = true, 
SharedEmotesEnabled = true, 
AdultEmotesDisabled = false,
AnimalEmotesEnabled = true, 

Last updated