Empowerment Regimen
Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Skills System
Last updated
Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Skills System
Last updated
First of all, you must enter the config.lua file and select the infrastructure of your server.
Then you need to enter the name of the target you use on your server into config.lua.
The product is completely independent, you need to choose your infrastructure as it only has a 2x Boost item.
For the 2x feature, you need to add the "gymprotein" item to your server.
First of all, if your server is qb infrastructure, you go to \qbcore\shared\items.lua and add the "gymprotein" item to your server.
After adding it, don't forget to add the gymprotein.png image inside the cb-skills folder to the qb-inventory>html>images folder.
If you want to change the item photo, just change its size to 96x96 and name it "gymprotein.png".
After doing all this, you can customize the script. For example, you can set how much the speed of the user's car will increase when the "DRIVING" Feature levels up in the "speedMultiplier = 90.0" section. The 90 there shows how much the speed will increase with each level increased. Recommended ''10''