Gun Game

Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Gun Game

Installation #

This product is completely standalone, but there are some things you need to adjust in the config.

First, you need to go to Config.lua and enter the steam web api key of your server in the 4th line.

Config.SteamWebAPIKey = "YOUR WEB API KEY"

Apart from that, you can customize everything from the config file. You can easily set which weapon the player will start with, which weapon they will receive when they reach the number of kills, all of these through the config.

-- Weapon given at the beginning of the game.
Config.StartingWeapon = `weapon_combatpistol`

-- Weapon to be taken per identified kill.
Config.KillRankings = {
    -- kill = weapon
    [5] = {weapon = `weapon_smg`},
    [10] = {weapon = `weapon_carbinerifle`},
    [15] = {weapon = `weapon_pumpshotgun`},
    [20] = {weapon = `weapon_combatshotgun`},
    [25] = {weapon = `weapon_gusenberg`},

Apart from this, you can also set the number of kills at which the game will end via the config. In short, after entering the steam web apikey of your server, you need to examine the config file in detail.

If you do everything right, the product will work without any problems. You can enter the game by going to the NPC and pressing "E". If you want to exit before the game ends, you can use the /gungame leave command.

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