Tactical Drone
Instructions on how to download and install the basics of cb-drone
Last updated
Instructions on how to download and install the basics of cb-drone
Last updated
First of all, you assign the cb-drone file from your keymaster account to the ‘resources’ section of your server.
then go to your server's server.cfg file
ensure cb-drone
If the infrastructure of your server is ‘QB’, go to the qb-core > Shared > items.lua file path of your server and copy the 2 items I gave below and paste them there
Then go to your server's inventory folder and copy and paste the 2 images I gave below where the images of your server's items are located.
In the config.lua file you can set which features are available in the script, for example if you set the Terhaml feature to ‘false’ this feature is turned off and players cannot use it.
If your server's infrastructure is ‘esx’, follow the steps above, but you need to add the items to your server's .sql database, you can copy the code and read it into the items section of your sql file.
After you have done these, you need to throw the photos I have given on the top into the item pictures section in your server's inventory.
If your server's inventory is ‘ox_inventory’, you need to copy and paste the items I have given below into the ox_inventory items file and put the item photos I have given above into the image folder of ox_inventory.
The voice system of the script is adapted for pma_voice and mumble, have fun!