Online Market
Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Online Market
Last updated
Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Online Market
Last updated
I am writing down the steps you need to take before using this product on your server.
First of all, if your server is qb infrastructure, you go to \qbcore\shared\items.lua and add the "onlinemarket" item to your server.
Then, you go to the location where your server's inventory is and upload this photo to "qb-inventory/html/images/".
If you want to change the item photo, just change its size to 96x96 and name it "onlinemarket.png".
You can configure whether the courier will bring the product to you, how you will access the market, and many other things through the config.
If Config.Command = false, you can access the menu using the item, if true, you can access the menu using the "market" command.