Notify Menu

Instructions on how to download and install the basics of Notify Menu

Installation #

This product is completely standalone but you need to follow some steps.

First of all, you choose whether you want your product to appear in the game as "ios" or "android" via the config.

Config = {}

Config.notifyType = "ios" -- or android
Config.defaultTime = 5000

Other than that, everything is explained below.

-- export
exports["cb-notify"]:sendNotify("Message", "Type(success, warning, danger, info)", "time")

-- trigger
TriggerEvent("cb-notify:client:sendNotify", "Message", "Type(success, warning, danger, info)", "time")
TriggerClientEvent("cb-notify:client:sendNotify", source, "Message", "Type(success, warning, danger, info)", "time")

-- example export
exports["cb-notify"]:sendNotify("Test Notify", "success", 1000) 

-- example client trigger
TriggerEvent("cb-notify:client:sendNotify", "Test Notify", "success", 1000)

-- example server to client trigger
TriggerClientEvent("cb-notify:client:sendNotify", source, "Test Notify", "success", 1000)

If you do everything correctly, you can access the menu by typing /notifymenu in the game.

Last updated